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Jolly is a series of Five Nights At Freddy's fan games created by Filipino developer IvanG (Ivan Gonzales). The main antagonist of the series is a horror parody of Jollibee, the mascot of the Filipino fast food chain of the same name.


There are six games in the series so far.

  • Jolly
  • Jolly 2
  • Jolly 3: Chapter 1
  • Jolly 3: Chapter 2
  • Jollibee's
  • Jollibee's: Phase 2

A series finale, Jolly 4, is currently being developed in the Unreal Engine. It is planned to be sold on the Steam platform with a price of US$19.99.

Takedown by Jollibee Foods Corporation

Jollibee's and Jollibee's: Phase 2 were taken down after IvanG received a cease-and-desist from Jollibee Foods Corporations on the basis of copyright infringement. A planned sequel, Jollibee: As Above, So Below, was canceled due to the takedown. Both games were made non-canon by the developer, and they are no longer available to download through legal means.

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