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Honkai Impact 3rd: Journey of Illustrated Memories: The Art Collection Event

The Honkai Impact 3rd: Journey of Illustrated Memories: The Art Collection Event was a multi-country booth-selling event by HoYoverse in collaboration with various malls and events to sell Honkai Impact 3rd Art Collection artbooks. In the Philippines, it was held from December 9 until December 17, 2023, at the Annex Atrium of SM City North EDSA in Quezon City, Metro Manila.


Aside from selling merchandise, the event also held on-site activities.


Freebies for purchasing merchandise include stickers, postcards, and bookmarks. The first volume of the Art Collection was not available in the Philippines, unlike in other countries like Malaysia.

  • Honkai Impact 3rd Art Collection Volume 2 - ₱1,500
  • Card holder - ₱585


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