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Globe CONQuest Festival 2019

Globe CONQuest Festival 2019 was a Philippine gaming and pop culture convention organized by ISC Events in partnership with Globe Telecom. It was held on June 22 and 23 (Saturday and Sunday), 2019, at the Iloilo Convention Center in Iloilo City, Iloilo. It is the third CONQuest Festival event and the final one held in Iloilo City.

The event was preceded by CONQuest Festival 2018 and was followed by CONQuest Festival 2022.


The event had over 6,000 attendees.

Ticket prices

  • 1-day ticket: ₱200
  • 2-day ticket with wristband: ₱250, ₱300 starting May 1.
  • VIP Ticket w/ shirt, lanyard, wristband, stringbag, and one meet-and-greet: ₱1000
  • One meet-and-greet: ₱500

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