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GamesMaster Philippines

GamesMaster Philippines was a multi-platform Filipino video game magazine that was published by Summit Media Publishing, Inc. from 2003 until 2006. It is the first gaming magazine in the Philippines and is the franchised counterpart of the GamesMaster U.K. magazine.

While the magazine had Filipino contributors, some of its published contents were taken from its U.K. counterpart.

The magazine ran for 34 issues before ending on its 3rd anniversary on September 2006.



GamesMaster Philippines harbored an active forum. To promote activity, each issue of GM had a special section called "GM Forum" that lets the editors pick out and print the most interesting posts from the forum. A special prize will be given to the user who wrote the most interesting post, which is picked as the "Moderator's Choice".

Since the death of GM, the forum's name was changed to "Game Bayan", which lasted a few years before being fully taken down.

End of GM

The final issue of GamesMaster Philippines was in September 2006. It is the 34th issue and had a black front cover with the text "Game Over". The magazine's then editor-in-chief Eduardo Geronia Jr. stated in that issue that "GM does not fit anymore in Summit's strategic expansion plan".[note 1]


TerraWars: New York invasion review

In its August 2006 issue, GamesMaster Philippines published a controversial review for the Filipino video game TerraWars: New York Invasion. The reviewer gave the game a high 85% score, despite the fact that the game was heavily panned by players and critics alike.


  1. As published in the GamesMaster Philippines September 2006 issue.

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