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Gamehopper was an online video game retail shop and rental service in the Philippines. It was established in 2007 to encourage Filipino gamers to play original titles without paying for the full retail price. It ceased its operations in 2012.

SEC Philippines information

Gamehopper, Inc. was registered on April 29, 2008, under the SEC number CS200806444.


Gamehopper used a membership system with a flat monthly subscription rate of ₱599. Members were allowed to rent 1 to 2 games which they could freely swap for other titles at any time. Originally a rental-only service, Gamehopper eventually expanded into the retail business by selling software and gaming accessories in 2009.[1]

Gamehopper ceased its services in 2012.

TV show

A Filipino video game television show called Pinoy Gamers was produced in collaboration with Gamehopper.


  1. Gamehopper studies RP retail business. May 11, 2009 at 16:25:00. Alexander Villafania. Retrieved on 2023-08-04.

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