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eSports Business Conference Manila

The eSports Business Conference Manila was a closed-door, esports-centric business conference that was hosted by Mineski Events Team and TV5 Network, Inc. on May 27, 2017 at the SMX Convention Center in the City of Pasay, Philippines.

The conference was held on the third day of The Manila Masters Dota 2 tournament, which was being held at the nearby Mall of Asia Arena.[1]


The Manila Masters

The Manila Masters was an international Dota 2 tournament hosted by ESL and the Mineski Events Team that was held from May 25 to 28, 2017. It was the third premier international Dota 2 tournament in the Philippines, after ESL One Manila and The Manila Major, but before Dota 2's game developer and publisher, Valve, pulled out of the country in 2018 with the Galaxy Battles II: Emerging Worlds controversy.

At the time of the conference, there was high optimism regarding the future of esports in the country.


  1. ESports is Life but Growing the Business of eSports is Lifer!. May 28, 2017. Colin Chan. UnGeek. Retrieved on 2023-10-12.

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