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Eskape with Called to Rescue Tour

Eskape with Called to Rescue Tour was an advocacy tour by the team behind the 2024 film GG The Movie. The tour was headed by the movie's lead actor, Donny Pangilinan, and advocates for Called to Rescue Philippines. In the movie, Pangilinan plays Seth who uses the in-game alias "Eskape". The tour was held from June until July 2024, at various locations in the Philippines.

The tour also doubled as marketing for the June 26, 2024, worldwide release of GG The Movie on Netflix.


Called to Rescue Philippines is a non-government organization that has been operating since 1988. It is an anti-human trafficking organization that helps rescue children who are missing or have been abused or trafficked. The organization is headed by Anthony Pangilinan, who also served as an executive producer in GG The Movie.


The Philippine tour was comprised of public events in Cebu, Bacolod, Baguio, Pampanga, and Davao. International events were originally scheduled in Singapore and Los Angeles, California, however these were later canceled.[1]



  1. DONATORS PHILIPPINES @DONATORSPH Twitter post. July 19, 2024 at 12:33 PM (UTC+8). DONATORS PHILIPPINES @DONATORSPH. Twitter. Retrieved on 2024-08-03.

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