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EagleGame International Ltd.

EagleGame International Ltd. was a live service game publisher in the Philippines. It was the local subsidiary of Hong Kong-based NeteLusion Limited, and is the sister company of EagleGame (M) Sdn. Bhd. in Malaysia. It handled live service games that were marketed in the Philippines under the SEA portal EagleGame.

Its office was located in Ortigas Center in Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila.[1]

Its digital currency is called "EaglePoints".

SEC Philippines information

EagleGame International Ltd. was registered on April 22, 2008, under the SEC number FS200805661.


EagleGame International Ltd. was founded under CEO Eric Choy in August 2006. It was founded at the same time as EagleGame Sdn. Bhd.

Games Handled

  • HighStreet 5
  • Rappelz
  • Zenobian


  1. (UPDATE) Game publisher sets up RP office. June 3, 2008. Alex Villafania. via Hackenslash. Retrieved on 2024-05-24.

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