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Duterte Fighting Crime

Duterte Fighting Crime, later expanded to Duterte Fighting Crime 2, is a satirical 2D sidescrolling shooter mobile game developed by Filipino developer TATAY GAMES. It is based on the real-life Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.

It was the most popular Duterte-themed game ever released, and reached the Top Free category of Google Play's Philippine ranking for multiple years.


In an interview with German media outlet Deutsche Welle, game creator Joseph Anthony Pascual stated that "there were a lot of bad things happening before in our country, like crime and drugs. And (Duterte) always said that he could change it. That's why we wanted change. So we created this game".[1]

This game is one of the examples presented by the Asian Network of People who Use Drugs organization in its open letter request to Apple to remove Duterte-related games in the Apple App Store.


  1. 'Fighting Crime' app glorifies Philippine President Duterte's crackdown on crime. October 14, 2016. Conor Dillon. Deutsche Welle (DW). Retrieved on 2023-04-01.

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