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Dugong Palaban

Dugong Palaban is a 2023 song produced by Filipino producer Nicholai Minion and was performed by Filipino music artists MayMay Entrata and Shanti Dope. It is the Philippine theme song for the Mobile Legends M5 World Championship.

At the bridge of the song, Entrata raps in Bisaya language instead of Filipino.

Music context

The M5 World Championship is the fifth world championship tournament for the mobile game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. The M5 is the first time the world championship has been held in the Philippines since the series started in 2019.

Before M5, Filipino teams won three out of the four previous championships.

An animated music video was produced featuring the three Filipino champions. The teams were portrayed as Mobile Legends characters: Bren Esports (M2 champion) as Lancelot, Blacklist International (M3) as Estes, and ECHO (M4) as Chou.

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