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In Filipino gaming lingo, comsat refers to the act of physical cheating by peeking at an opponent's monitor during a multiplayer match. The term originated in internet cafés in the Philippines, although it has fallen out of use alongside the popularity of internet cafés.


The term originated from the 1998 RTS StarCraft, which was one of the popular PC titles in the Philippines during the late 90s and early 2000s. In StarCraft, the Terran race has a unique building called "ComSat Station". It has an ability called "Scanner Sweep", which allows its owner to reveal a portion of the map for 10 seconds. Since StarCraft multiplayer was mostly played in internet cafés where instances of monitor peeking were prevalent, "comsat" was made synonymous with the act of peeking.

The term gained widespread use when Counter-Strike became popular in the early 2000s. In crowded internet cafés, players generally cannot choose which computer station to play in, and in many instances, two opposing players are forced to play side-by-side when starting a private match or joining the café's public Counter-Strike server. As many cafés in the Philippines do not have station dividers, a player could easily peek at an opposing player's monitor, whether accidentally or intentionally.

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