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Combatron: Project Phoenix

Combatron: Project Phoenix is a 2021 single-player sidescrolling beat 'em up developed by Filipino game developer Caotic Pixel. It is based on the 90's Filipino comic book character Combatron.

The game can be purchased on Caotic Pixel's page for US$4.99.


Combatron is an original comic book character created by Filipino artist Berlin H. Manalaysay. It first debuted in a 1992 issue of Pilipino Funny Komiks.

The Combatron series was inspired by Mega Man, Voltes V, and professional wrestling through WWE (then-WWF).


According to the game's team lead, JC Malapit, he approached Manalaysay to discuss his idea for the game during a promotional tour for a Combatron comic book and figure. They eventually reached an agreement and Malapit started developing a demo for crowdfunding.[1]

The game was successfully crowdfunded on the Indiegogo platform in 2020. It raised SG$2,575 out of an asking goal of SG$1,500 from 57 backers.


  1. ‘Combatron,’ a video game based on the Filipino comic book character, is in the works. May 31, 2020 at 12:26 PM. Michael Logarta. GMA News - SciTech. Retrieved on 2024-09-06.

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