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Casual Connect Asia 2017

Casual Connect Asia 2017 was a 3-day international game development conference held from May 16 until 18 (Tuesday until Thursday), 2017, at the Hard Rock Hotel in Singapore. Five Filipino games were invited as the top 100 contestants for the Indie Prize competition.

Casual Connect Asia 2017 was preceded by the 2016 event and was followed by the 2018 event. However, there were no games from the Philippines that were invited for the 2018 Indie Prize.

Indie Prize contestants

The following games from Philippines game developers were invited to the Indie Prize game showcase,[1] although only Keybol and Popsicle Games attended the event in Singapore.


  1. Southeast Asia Part 1: Philippines and Malaysia at Indie Prize Singapore 2017. April 24, 2017. Yuliya Moshkaryova. Gamesauce. Retrieved on 2025-02-01.

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