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Bangú-Bang Mania! Online

Bangú-Bang Mania! Online was a free-to-play, live service fighting game developed and self-published by Philippine-based game developer ViTAS Development.

The game was inspired by the fighting game Super Smash Brothers.

Product description

The player take control and customize his own fighting robot, known as a BANGÚ, and play with other people in either one-on-one duels or team-based fights. The player can customize his BANGÚ from its parts, weapons, colors, and even right down to its fighting skills, to accommodate his style of gameplay.


The game is the first and only game to be developed and released by ViTAS Development. Its development started in 2004, and its closed and open beta phase was held on 2008. The game was launched commercially on December 2008.

Originally planned to be a subscription-based game, the game was launched with a free-to-play model.

Related media

The game was previewed in the December 2007-January 2008 issue of GAME! magazine.

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