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Bandera is the eleventh track from the 2017 Filipino music album "Atake" by the now-disbanded Filipino heavy metal band Slapshock. It is the official theme song of Ranida Games' Bayani: Fighting Game.


On August 28, 2018, Ranida Games' official YouTube channel released a teaser for its animated trailer. The trailer revealed that Ranida Games had collaborated with the Filipino band Slapshock to make song Bandera, from the 2017 album Atake, as the game's official theme song. The main animated trailer was released on Nov 30, 2018.

Ranida Games' managing partner Walter Manalo stated that Slapshock was "receptive of the idea and supportive of what [Ranida Games] want with the game, which is reaching out to the young population which [Slapshock's] fan base is comprised of and introduce our own local heroes as game characters."[1]

It is the final time Slapshock had collaborated with a local video game company. The first was with the 2003 song Without You for the MMORPG Ragnarok Online. It was followed in 2006 with the release of the song Direction into O2Jam Philippines.


  1. Pinoy heavy metal band Slapshock provides main theme for fighting game Bayani. September 10, 2018 4:17pm. Michael Logarta. GMA News under SciTech. Retrieved on 2023-07-11.

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