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Bam Aquino

Paolo Benigno "Bam" Aguirre Aquino IV is a former Philippine senator who served from 2013 until 2019, when he failed his re-election bid. As one of the youngest senators to serve at the time, he was a strong endorser of the growing esports and game development industries in the country.[1]

Dota 2 esports

Team Rave

Bam Aquino first gained widespread attention to the Filipino Dota 2 community in April 2015, when he publicly endorsed the Korea-based Filipino team Rave after they were asked to disembark from their flight in the Philippines to Korea by immigration officials.[2]

The International 2016 - TNC Pro Team and Execration

In 2016, two Filipino teams who were qualified to The International 2016, TNC Pro Team and Execration, encountered visa problems which jeopardized their chances to compete in the tournament which was located in the United States. Both teams sought help from the office of Bam Aquino, and were able to solve the immigration issue.[3]


  1. So how did Bam get to know esports?. Tuesday, April 14, 2015 3:15 PM. Dexter Ancheta. Retrieved on 2023-04-01.
  2. Senator Aquino Talks to Rave Dota 2 Team Regarding Immigration Issue; Legal Options Mulled. April 13, 2015 at 10:12 PM. Esports by author. Esports by Retrieved on 2023-04-01.
  3. It’s final: TNC and Execration are going to The International. July 29, 2016 at 4:29 PM PHT. Don Kevin Hapal. Rappler. Retrieved on 2023-04-01.

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