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Astig Fighter

Astig Fighter is a 2D multiplayer fighting game developed by Philippine game developer Cube Interactive for the Symbian and Nokia series 60 mobile devices. It was released in 2005. The game has a 1-on-1 Bluetooth multiplayer feature.

The game was sold digitally for ₱50 through Globe services.[1]

Official description

Astig Fighter is a Symbian multiplayer Fighting Game that can be played over Bluetooth. The game features Filipino urban stereotypes as main characters taho vendor, postman, sabungero, etc. Aside from its multi-player capabilities, another unique feature of the game includes additional characters and stages that can be downloaded via a WAP site or OTA (over-the-air). The game can also be customized to exhibit a particular country's local flavor.

Technical description

The game was created using J2SE and C++ BuilderX. It uses Bluetooth technology for multiplayer.


David "Fierce Chicken Throw" Zarraga of Philstar's now-defunct site Starcade gave the game a 4.5 out of 5 score, praising the game's tongue-in-cheek humor while criticizing the AI's easy difficulty.[1]



  1. Astig Fighter. Circa 2006. David Zarraga. Starcade. Retrieved on 2023-02-25.

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