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Anito: Defend a Land Enraged

Anito: Defend a Land Enraged is a single-player RPG developed by Philippine-based game developer Anino Entertainment for Microsoft Windows. It was released on November 22, 2003. The game is the first major commercial game released by a Filipino game development studio. It is part of the Anito series.

The game's alternate history is set in 16th-century Asia where players can choose between two sibling characters, Agila or Maya, and journey through two different paths.

The game has two mobile game prequels, Anito: Tersiago's Wrath and Anito: Call of the Land.

Technical details

Anito's game engine uses both 2D and 3D for its level design. In-game characters are 3D models converted into 2D sprites. The game was most likely written in C++.[note 1]

Technical issues on modern operating systems

StarForce DRM

The retail version of Anito uses the controversial StarForce DRM. Installing StarForce on modern Windows versions has been reported to prevent the operating system from booting, hence installing the game from this source is highly discouraged.

As of July 2024, the Anito game files distributed on abandonware websites provide a cracked version from the warez group DEViANCE. The bundled files include a no-CD crack and do not install the StarForce drivers.

Crashing on startup

Anito will crash on modern Windows versions after its intro cinematics. To run the game, a free third-party library named "d3d8.dll" must be placed in the install folder. The DLL file can be obtained on Github from either the 1.0 release of AlpyneDreams/d8vk or the 2.4 release of doitsujin/dxvk.


  1. Unconfirmed. Best guess is Microsoft Visual C++.

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