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Angel Locsin

Angelica Locsin Colmenares (born April 23, 1985) is a Filipino actress. In 2005, she became a game ambassador for NetPlay's live service MMORPG PristonTale.

PristonTale ambassador

In 2006, at the age of 21, Angel Locsin became the game ambassador for the Philippine server of the fantasy MMORPG PristonTale. She, wearing PristonTale costume, was the cover girl for the Philippine magazine OZINE OVERLOAD that was published by PSICOM in 2006.

The costumes for her photoshoots were created by the now-defunct Manila-based Twinkelita Costume Shop.[1]



  1. Twinkelita Costume Shop post dated October 17, 2011 at 9:57 AM. October 17, 2011 at 9:57 AM. Twinkelita Costume Shop FB author. Twinkelita Costume Shop Facebook page. Retrieved on 2023-04-03.

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