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Age of Mythology's Atlantis island

The Atlantis island is a fictional location in the 2002 RTS game Age of Mythology. The 2D graphic artwork used to depict the island in the campaign map uses the Philippines' Mindanao island outline from world maps.


Age of Mythology is an RTS game based on the Greek, Egyptian, and Norse mythologies. It is the spiritual successor to Age of Empires II and was released in October 2002. An expansion was launched a year later in September 2003. A remastered version, Age of Mythology: Extended Edition, was released on Steam on May 9, 2014. A more modern remastered version, Age of Mythology: Retold, was released on September 4, 2024.


When selecting missions during the single-player campaign, the game displays a real-world map to indicate where the events supposedly occur. The fictional Atlantis island, which is located in Southwestern Europe on the west of Spain, is depicted using the Mindanao island's outline from real-world maps that use the Mercator projection; i.e., a traditional world map.

In Age of Mythology: Retold, the art assets for the campaign maps were remade and used a different map projection, but the Atlantis island still uses the general outline of Mindanao.

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