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Ragnarok Online 2 Status

Written by: Waukeen
Date published: January 19, 2008 at 6:07 PM

People have been asking me lately about the status of Philippine Ragnarok Online 2, the sequel to the most successful MMORPG in the country – Ragnarok Online. It was originally scheduled to be released 3rd Quarter last year (2007), but after internal testing we found out that it wasn’t ready yet. There were a lot of bugs that needed to be fixed and there wasn’t enough content to justify a full-blown launch. Because of those reasons, we delayed the launch to 2008.

When Gravity gave us a visit a few weeks ago, one of the discussions was the future of Ragnarok Online 2. Mr. Changki, General Manager of Gravity, personally gave us his assurance that they are doing their best to ensure that Ragnarok Online 2 will be at par, if not better, than other global MMORPG brands like World of Warcraft. It’s good to know that both Level up and Gravity understand that we only have one shot of launching Ragnarok 2. If the game does not live up to the expectations of the market, then there’s a big chance it won’t even come close to the success Ragnarok reached.

So what’s in store for us when Ragnarok Online 2 finally launches? Mr. Changki said that they’re planning to do a relaunch of Ragnarok Online 2 in Korea sometime this year and they’ll release a new “War of Emperium” feature together with a lot of new improvements in the game. Dozens of maps, monsters, quests, and contents will be included to make sure that when Ragnarok Online 2 is finally released, it will truly be a world class, triple A, kick-ass title. This game has a lot of potential, and we saw that a lot of gamers were really impressed with it during the sneak peek trial we had during Level-up! LIVE 2007.

With that in mind, I wish the development team of Ragnarok Online 2 all the best. :no1:

To end this post, I’d like to share with everyone the teaser trailer with edited to promote Philippine Ragnarok Online 2:

[Video: N/A]

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