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Pinoy blogger recognized by

Written by: Relly Carpio
Publication: Hackenslash
Date published: February 7, 2008

HUSBAND and wife gamers and bloggers Philip and Joanne Ortiz recently had their blog Third World Gamer added to the official communities recognized by

Xbox Singapore held a promo last month looking for “Friends of Xbox,” bloggers who talk about the Xbox and their experiences with it. Philip Ortiz’s blog was one of those chosen by Xbox Singapore, and is now linked within the communities.

“I tried it, knowing that there are other blogs out there that are better than mine. So I was pleasantly surprised when mine was one of
those chosen,” he said.

“After that I told them about where I and my wife are moderators. We hope that my blog’s inclusion would be the foot in the door for to also be recognized, and eventually our country to become a supported country for Xbox,” he added.

Not all countries are supported by Microsoft when it comes to their Xbox product. The Philippines is one of them.

“It has been suggested that Xbox players [here] should form communities and hold Xbox-related events. This is in the hope that in the future, recognition and eventually support would follow,” Ortiz said.

Right now, PinoyXbox has an estimated 3, 700 users. was launched in 2002 while the Third World Gamer blog was started in 2005.

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