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Point Blank PH Facebook page post on June 14, 2019

Written by: Point Blank PH Facebook page author
Publication: Point Blank PH Facebook page
Date published: June 14, 2019 at 3:30 PM (PHT)

Dear all Troopers,
It has been a long journey with full of good memories.
As all journey have the beginning and the end, it seems our farewell moment is near.
We would like to announce that Garena PH Point Blank will be terminated and Point Blank will keep traveling its journey in Philippines.
Additionally, the game database server will be shutdown on 11th July 2019 which no game information storing between 11th - 15th July.
Please see all details as below:
- Garena PH PB Service & Server Shutdown: July 15, 2019
- Game Database Shutdown: July 11,2019
- Zepetto PB PH Live Opening: July 16, 2019
Thank you for all your support through out the years
Good Luck ad Stay Awesome
Point Blank PH

[Picture: Point Blank PH service closing announcement and details.]

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