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Written by: Wauks
Publication: Waukster
Date published: April 24, 2008

In an interview with Reli Carpio in’s Hackenslash gaming blog, LU Marketing Director Jake San Diego revealed that there will be a major announcement about Level Up LIVE 2008 in the coming days. I already know what the announcement is but I won’t spoil it. This is definitely one of the biggest things to happen not just for Level Up, but for the entire online gaming industry.

Here’s the direct quote of the article:


Level Up! Live set for October
Posted under Online, Games

LEVEL UP! has set the date and venue of its annual gamer community gathering, Level Up! Live.

“This year it will be held on October 18 and 19 at the World Trade Center in Pasay,” said Level Up! marketing director Jake San Diego, “We will still hold it at the World Trade Center to make it as comfortable as possible for our players.”

The event will be called Level Up! Live: Rise of the Gaming Gods!

“LU Live is actually a testament to how popular online gaming has become in the country,” San Diego added. “Aside from providing the best content possible, Level Up! also holds community building initiatives in real life via LU Live.”

“It’s where the players of Ragnarok can exchange stories of their experiences with the players of Flyff and now with those who play Perfect World. It is a phenomenon in itself.”

San Diego added that they “are actually asking all of the Level Up! players to stay tuned for an announcement in the next few days, that would raise the bar in online gaming in the country.” This announcement, he said, will be related to LU Live. Relly Carpio,


If all goes well, we will be able to announce this within the week. At the latest, it will be early next week. I promise you this guys – you will be affected and you will be shocked. This is definitely going to be BIG NEWS.

I hope you guys are enjoying WOE: Second Edition and the Premium Service! I’ll post updates again tomorrow. ‘Till then, Wauks out!

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