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Philippine ROSE Online to shut down on August

Written by: Level Up! news website author
Publication: Level Up! news website
Date published: July 4, 2007

To Our Dearest Rose Community,


As you may already know, we were put to the test when Triggersoft (Gravity’s development team for ROSE) not only ceased development and technical support for ROSE Online but also shut down all operations recently. Many thought this was the end. But resilient as we are, we found a way to survive. We decided to follow the free to play business model, a risky and bold move, but one that we were willing to take… all to keep a great game going, keep everyone happy and most of all, keep our community solid, intact and alive.

ROSE was touted as THE game to play during its launch. We were able to make it the 2nd largest game in the Philippines with one of the most loyal and passionate gaming community this country has ever seen. It was supposed to have had the coolest features that one cannot find in other games, from simple joys like cute outfits, to big weapons of destruction such as the funky Castle Gear. And who could forget the world of the Seven Hearts, seven planets with its own unique environments and features.

We can keep on fighting but there is only so much we could do. And so, it is with deepest regret that we inform you that we will be shutting down operations for Philippine Rose Online on August 6, 2007, at precisely 3:00 PM.

We know how much pain this decision will bring to our loyal community. That is why, as a token of our appreciation, we shall be giving BONUS CREDITS TO OUR LOYAL ROSE PLAYERS (to their MylevelUp wallet) and reimbursing all unspent Moonies (see mechanics below).

In this regard we’d also like to invite you to check out the Open Beta of Perfect World (July 18), the coming release of Rachel (Episode 15 for Ragnarok Online) now in Sakray, Flyff’s new Version 8 (coming July 25), and Episode 2 for RF Online (sometime August).

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We will cherish the 2 years that we've spent together. No experience will ever equal the things we've had together as friends and comrades.

We hope though that we see each other again… still here at Level Up!


The pROSE Team


On August 1, 2007, remaining moonies in a player’s game account will be converted to myLU credits based on the following guidelines (this will be done automatically). All you have to do is LINK your pROSE account to your MyLevelUp Account:

1. All Rose game accounts with remaining moonies are entitled to the compensation.
2. The conversion rate is 20 moonies to 1 myLU credit.
3. Remaining moonies will be converted up to the nearest credit. E.g. 14 moonies = 1 credit.
4. Game accounts that are not linked to a myLU account on or before July 31, 2007 will not be given any compensation.
5. IMPORTANT – if you do not have a MyLevelUp account, please REGISTER NOW and link your pROSE account to it.



1. You are a Loyal pROSE player if your account was:
• Created before July 4, 2007.
• The account must be active (logged in at least once between January 1, 2007 until July 3, 2007)
• Topped-up a minimum P700 worth of game time or moonies (total accumulated since start of commercial service August 2005)
2. All qualified accounts will get an incentive of 5% of total accumulated top-up or P350 whichever is lower.
3. This will be done on automatically on August 1, 2007. If you do not have a MyLevelUp Account, REGISTER NOW and link your pROSE account.

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