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The Power Behind Bakbakan

Written by: Level Up! Music author
Publication: Level Up! Music
Date published: Circa 2008

Upon hearing the opening riffs for Bakbakan, Level Up! immediately knew that this was the song to rally up the gamers for the Ragnarok World Championships. Powerspoonz was immediately signed in to create a nationalistic song for the Philippine team of the Ragnarok World Championships.

Powerspoonz gives us an exclusive account of their experience in their involvement with Level Up!

LEVEL UP!: Please briefly recount how you became involved with this project. What's the main message behind your song included in the album?

POWERSPOONZ: Bakbakan was written basically for all the 'bayanis', all the flagbearers and heroes of the Filipino spirit.. and it goes same with our pinoy gaming champions. My point is that Ragnarock is like any sport or event where you get to represent your country. So Bakbakan is dedicated to the chosen few who have the skills, the "maumau". We salute you!

LEVEL UP!; How do you think Barrio and Bakbakan ties up with the upcoming Ragnarok World Championships

BOOBOP (bassist): Barrio is appropriate to the world championships because, well, the lyrics speak for themselves..and the beat was made for winners.

LEVEL UP!: Do you play any Level Up! games? What do you like most about this game?

AKIT (vocals):We wish we had more time to play the games... but i like FLYFF. It has a very unique battle system.. Of course, i like RF Online

LEVEL UP!: If you could do a remake of any song, which one would you pick and why?

YANIX (drummer): Currently in mind for me to remake is "gone till november" by wyclef jean. hip hop reggae, bouncy track.

BOOBOP (bassist) : FrancisM's "Three Stars and A Sun."

LEVEL UP!: Saang song kayo currently nala-Last Song Syndrome

BRIAN (guitars): Sa aming song na "Bakbakan" -- kasi parang national anthem, pag tinugtog mu parang last full show na, nagsisitayo mga tao at pagtapos na ang song uuwi na sila..hehehe

LEVEL UP!: Any message for your fans and the Level Up! community?

BOOBOP (bassist): Keep playin' the game...Failure is not an option.

BRIAN (guitars): Seek and strive!

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