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WarRock Philippines lives on!

Written by: GM JBlaze
Publication: Amped website
Date published: April 24, 2013 at 5:30 PM

ABS-CBN Multimedia, Inc. (“Amped”) is pleased to announce that will live on!

Dream Execution, the developers of the award winning and widely accepted massively multiplayer online first person shooter (MMOFPS) game WarRock has confirmed that Massive Interactive Revolution, Inc. (“Massive Gaming”) will take over the game from “Amped” as the local game publisher of

The first and longest running MMOFPS game in the country, WarRock will have a new lease on life to continue its reign in the Philippines. Amped in cooperation with Dream Execution will work closely to transfer the existing game accounts to Massive Gaming.

A notice will soon be posted on WarRock’s website ( regarding the game account transfer. For gamers who wish to continue playing the game, all they need to do is visit the website and click on the “Account Transfer” banner for WarRock, agree to the terms and conditions and follow the migration guide to complete the transfer. Once Massive Gaming opens up the game under their service, gamers can continue to play and enjoy beyond May 31, 2013

Tuloy ang Bakbakan! Oorah!

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