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Aussie game developer opens RP office

Written by: Alex Villafania, reposted by Joey Alarilla
Publication: reposted at Hackenslash
Date published: September 13, 2006 at 9:34 AM

[Reference note: The URL points to an archive of news. The image snapshot only saved the relevant portion.]

AN AUSTRALIAN video game distribution firm is hoping to tap Filipino talents to make arcade-style video games by putting up a development subsidiary office in Manila.

Matahari Studios, located in Ortigas Center, Pasig City, will develop mostly videos games for arcades, specifically for the popular TimeZone centers.

Both Matahari and TimeZone are owned by Australian firm LAI Games (

In an interview with hackenslash, Matahari Studios general manager Eric Marlow said the company already has several concept games though roughly about two of these will be developed into actual games.

Marlow said they expect their first game to be launched early next year. He said it takes between 18 to 22 months to develop an arcade game, depending on its complexity.

Marlow added the company could also sell their products to other arcade companies both locally and in other countries once their exclusivity clause with TimeZone is over.

Marlow said they have been hiring 3D artists and software programmers, though the difficulty is in screening the right people for specific jobs in the company.

"Every month we're screening hundreds of applications but we've so far hired only 13 people. It takes a specific skill set to be in this job because we're not going to train new hires with basic video game making because they have to pick that up as they go along," Marlow said.

Marlow said they hope to hire at least 18 more people within the year.

Posted by : Joey Alarilla

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