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Ragnarok World Championship 2010 Results

Written by: Rich Kid Herbert author
Publication: Rich Kid Herbert
Date published: October 4, 2010

The Ragnarok World Championship 2010 has commenced last October 2 and 3 at Jakarta Indonesia. Eleven countries had joined the championship namely Philippines, Brazil, France, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, China, Thailand, Malaysia, USA and Taiwan. Fans all over the world has been given a chance to watch the matches thru a live streaming hosted at ustream site but due to crappy reception our viewing is terrible.

Our countries representative had been chosen from the champion of Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2010 (RPC2010) road to Indonesia. At the end of RPC 2010, the pride of our country rests on the shoulders of Team Shivans (Naked Babies). If I'm not mistaken they have undergone a rigorous practice before their actual matches in Indonesia.

After the intense battles the results has been announced. The winner for RWC 2010 this year goes to Thailand. On the second place we have Japan and Philippines comes third. I'm personally proud with our representatives because they were able to make it on top 3. Even if they didn't get the championship crown, they still have proven that Filipinos can compete internationally.

Here are the videos from the live streaming ustream. The videos covers the matches of Phillipines and Taiwan for the third place. Philippines won over Taiwan in 2-0. For other videos visit the ustream site.

Philippines vs Taiwan Round 1
[Video: N/A.]

Philippines vs Taiwan Round 2
[Video: N/A.]

Note: If the videos don't appear immediately refresh the page.

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