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Operation 7 Goes CBT in the Philippines!

Written by: Tsip's Gaming Depot team
Publication: Tsip's Gaming Depot
Date published: August 20, 2009 at 8:02 AM

[Picture: Operation 7 CBT announcement graphic.]

Umpisa na ng barilan at gerahan! Amoy pulbura nanaman maghapon!

Sali na sa pinaka-astig na FPS na inilabas dito sa e-Games!

Ano meron sa OP7? It is most action packed MMO FPS in the country.

Kasama rito ang mga sumusunod:

- Over 1000 Gun Customizations
- Cool Ballistic Physics
- Sprint and Peek mode and more!

OP7 will be on Closed Beta Testing starting August 20, 2009! You can use your existing e-Games account to play the game! So try out the newest and undoubtedly, the hottest thing to arrive since sliced bread!

So ano pa hinihintay nyo?

Register Now! or Validate your e-Games Account!

Download the CBT Client Here!

Visit for CBT details and more!

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