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Gameclub - Korean publisher of Special Forces establishes new global online gaming portal.

Written by: GamesIndustry International Contributor
Date published: November 24, 2009

Seoul, Korea - November 24, 2009 - Liveplex, a leisure and entertainment company, announced today that the company launched its online gaming portal, in Korea. will serve as a global publishing platform for online games. Liveplex set up a subsidiary company, Inc., in the United States in order to provide customized services for the local markets by 2010. Also, the company integrated its successful game, Special Forces, with the new portal in the Philippines.

“This is just a first step towards out ultimate goal as a global online game publisher. We will bring a new MMORPG game, D Project which is scheduled to launch in the first half of next year and other games to build a competitive lineup. We also plan to focus on global operation along the way," said Ho Sun Kim, CEO of Liveplex.

About Liveplex

Liveplex was initially established as a camping tent company and transformed to online game publisher in 2007. Through Microgames, a Korea-based subsidiary, and MYGAME1, the Philippines-based subsidiary, Liveplex publish Special Forces, Final Quest, and Twelve Sky2 and also develop games in the in-house studio.

PR Contact

Name: Young-Jin, Ryu

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