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UgotGame, the first Philippine PC Game Development Competition

Written by: spetsnaz
Publication: PinoyExchange
Date published: September 10, 2004

Got a cool game that you programmed? Or a CS project
you'd like to show off? Join UGotGame, the first ever
game development competition in the Philippines!

Register online at

event finals will be on

September 18, 2004
Philippine Trade Training Center
Roxas Blvd.

- General Information -

The International Gaming Development Association
(IGDA) Manila Chapter, together with CompSAt, the La
Salle Computer Society (LSCS) of De La Salle
University, the UP Association of Computer Science
Majors (CURSOR) of the University of the Philippines,
and the Organization of Technical Innovation (OTI) of
Mapua, have organized a game development contest aptly
named U Got Game. Through this said event, competitors
from student groups will engage in a healthy
competition of skills and talent for game development.
Participants are given their chance to show off their
programming skills and imagination as well. We are
hoping to bring out the best and brightest in the
field of computer game development.

The game development contest is aimed at the student
sector, specifically for the college level. As for the
game development itself, all games are for PC
(personal computer) use only. The culminating activity
would include the judging and exhibition of the
student's entries.

- Competition Awards -

* Top 3 Game of the Year - this award will be
chosen by judges. The first place prize will be Php
50,000. While second place would be Php 30,000 and
third place will be Php 20,000

* Best Educational - special category, only those
games that are educational can enter this category

* Best Networked game - special category, only
those games that are LAN capable can enter this

* Best Internet based game - special category,
only those games that are Internet-capable can enter
this category

* Cosplay Competition - special category, where in
participants would come to the finals venue and
register in their best video game inspired costume.
Prizes would be Php 10,000 for first place, 5,000 for
second place and Php 3,000 for third place

- Sponsors -

Sponsored by PLDT, Microsoft, Intel and Games Master.
In cooperation with International Game Developers
Association, Manila Chapter

event finals will be on

September 18, 2004
Philippine Trade Training Center
Roxas Blvd.

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