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iAM Interactive to Introduce New Account Management System

Written by: AMDG team
Publication: Asian Media Development Group website
Date published: January 23, 2009

[Picture: N/A.]

iAM Interactive, the online gaming company behind the hit game Lineage II, will unveil the iAM Wallet on February 10, 2009, a new unified account management system that will support multiple games including Lineage II and other upcoming free-to-play (F2P) games.

All game accounts created for Lineage II and other future games of iAM Interactive can all be viewed and managed (i.e. settings like create account, change password, etc) under one iAM Wallet account. Starting February 10, 2009, existing Lineage 2 accounts must be manually migrated to the iAM Wallet by linking and tagging these accounts under the iAM Wallet account.

Another feature of iAM Wallet is the iCoins. It will serve as the player’s currency to use in any game-related transactions. For Lineage II, iCoins will enable players to purchase game time, in-game items, and other VAS (value added services) such as Server Transfer, Gender Change, Name Change, and more.

iAM Wallet will give the players an easy time in managing their various game accounts. It will also promote quick and easy effortless access to various iAM Interactive game services. A detailed step-by-step walkthrough and FAQ will be uploaded soon on Lineage II SEA site and the official L2 SEA forums.

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