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Best Android games 2016: our top picks

Written by: Craig Grannell
Publication: TechRadar
Date published: Circa 2016

[Reference note: The page lists 50 games in total. Only Kill the Plumber's entry is archived here.]

Kill the Plumber (£2.32, US$2.99, AU$4.10)

If you ever thought a certain videogame plumber could do with a taste of his own medicine, Kill the Plumber should appeal. Across dozens of single-screen levels, you control knock-off Goombas, Thwomps and Boos, trying to stop fake-Mario reaching the flag. There's a distinctly indie - sometimes slightly clunky - feel to proceedings, but Kill the Plumber pleasingly keeps things fresh throughout, regularly shaking up its puzzles and the wee critters you use to duff up the so-called hero.

Occasionally, things get a bit demanding from a precision standpoint, but it's rewarding to crack a particularly tough level. Android owners also get one-up on iOS fans, with the proper characters as originally designed by the developer and not watered-down replacements to appease Cupertino-based censors.

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