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Tantra PH splash page from July to September 11, 2011

Written by: The Amped Team
Publication: Tantra Philippines website
Date published: July 2011

Our dear Tantra Players,

It is with deep regret that we inform you of the closing all local Tantra servers on September 1, 2011. Management has decided not to renew our contract with Tantra developer Hanbitsoft anymore as there are no more future updates for the game in the coming years.

Because of this unfortunate news, we would like to encourage everyone to spend their remaining Taneys before the closing date to avoid having unused Taney left in the accounts. All active and inactive Tantra accounts will be inaccessible after the servers have been shutdown.

We would like to take this chance to thank all Tantra Players for their support through the years of the game's existence. We would also like to sincerely apologize for all the setbacks and flaws that affected the game and the Tantra community as well. For users who have remaining Amped Credits left, you may try our other games Shaiya Online, WarRock, Mini Fighter and GetAmped 2.

For those who would like to play Shaiya Online, there will be exciting incentives waiting for you. We will announce more details about this very soon.

Again, we would like to thank everyone for their support. We wish everyone well.

The Amped Team

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